Inflammatory diseases: fat, muscles and pollen allergies

What do obesity, lack of muscle mass and pollen allergy have in common? They all lead to a hormonal imbalance, which causes many of today's social diseases. "Which hormone?" you ask. It's about cortisol!

body composition

A high cortisol level causes the body to prepare for difficult times. The hormone, which is released in stressful situations such as excessive demands at work or due to unhealthy diet/alcohol, signals to the body that fat deposits should be created. Cortisol also has a strong catabolic (degrading) effect, which causes muscles to break down. Cortisol also causes the body to produce fewer steroid hormones, which promotes obesity or muscle loss.

inflammation and allergies

Seed oils, additives or gluten. They all irritate our intestines. An irritated intestine produces high levels of serotonin, which as a downstream effect produces estrogen and cortisol: both of which promote inflammation! This results in a social disease that is more important than ever today: pollen allergy. I asked a few doctors to finally tell me where this comes from. But after a long round of questions, I realized that they had no idea. So I took matters into my own hands... and finally found the following solutions:

What you can do

Relieve the intestines

The most important factor is (once again) diet. Eliminating industrially produced oils is the first step towards good intestinal health. Only butter, coconut oil, beef tallow and ghee should be used for cooking. Oils from rapeseed, sunflower, peanut, etc. should not be eaten. Also avoid all additives that have been added to your food by the industry. In short: If something didn't exist 100 years ago, you shouldn't eat it either! Note: In the past, no genetically modified wheat was used. The wheat today has too high a gluten content, which also leads to intestinal problems.

However, you should know that healing your gut can take time. If you start today, you can expect results next year. However, there is a shortcut in Solution 3 (below).

increase metabolism

Keto diets are very popular. But no matter how much they are praised, your thyroid will suffer from the reduced carbohydrate intake. Make sure you eat enough fruit between meals. If you really want to lose a few extra pounds, then go on a low-fat diet. This will also give your metabolism another boost because it promotes the Randal cycle in favor of carbohydrate metabolism.

Another way to increase your metabolism is to sunbathe. The red light promotes mitochondrial activity and the UV rays convert cholesterol into vitamin D. You don't need sunscreen if you eat a seed-oil-free diet for a few months. Then you won't get sunburned anymore.

Absorb natural metabolic hormones

You've probably eaten a fish before. What did you do with the fish head? Throw it away? What a pity... Because a fish head or a lamb's neck contains the animal's thyroid gland. You can make a delicious soup out of it, which distributes the active thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) throughout the soup, which you can then eat. T3, the active thyroid hormone, reduces the general inflammatory status. You could even say that T3 competes with cortisol.

Since T3 is responsible for a high metabolism, it also promotes the breakdown of cholesterol into the active steroid hormone pregnenolone. So not only do you burn more fat by taking thyroid, you also end up building more muscle!

Fish head? I don't like

If you don't have time to cook or fish head soups aren't your taste, you can also use our thyroid extract from organic pasture-fed cattle . One capsule in the morning (for at least three months) is enough to achieve the desired effects described!

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